Raagesh Ambattu

Hi There....... I'm Raagesh Ambattu I am a law of attraction coach and I am passionate about helping people manifest their dreams and create the life they desire.   Book Your Appointment

Law Of Attraction Coach

I specialize in teaching individuals how to use the principles of the law of attraction to manifest their goals and desires. We guide individuals on how to harness the power of their thoughts and beliefs to create the life they desire.

Law Of Attraction Coach

We specialize in teaching individuals how to use the principles of the law of attraction to manifest their goals and desires. We guide individuals on how to harness the power of their thoughts and beliefs to create the life they desire.

Life Coach

As a Life Coach I help individuals clarify their goals, identify and overcome obstacles, and develop strategies to achieve success. We work with clients to help them gain clarity and focus in their personal and professional lives

Life Coach

As a Life Coach we help individuals clarify their goals, identify and overcome obstacles, and develop strategies to achieve success. We work with clients to help them gain clarity and focus in their personal and professional lives

Wellness Coach

I focus on the overall health and well-being of individuals. We help our clients identify and achieve their health goals, whether it be through physical fitness, nutrition, stress management, or other areas of wellness.

Wellness Coach

We focus on the overall health and well-being of individuals. We help our clients identify and achieve their health goals, whether it be through physical fitness, nutrition, stress management, or other areas of wellness.

About Me

I am Raagesh Ambattu, a law of attraction Coach who specializes in inspiring human minds and helping them achieve their dreams. My introduction to the law of attraction was in 2009, and it drastically changed my life. Since then, I have spent countless hours attending training and reading books related to the law of attraction and life-changing skills. With 23 years of experience in people development, I have been able to help numerous individuals achieve their goals. After learning and practicing these skills, I decided to take a leap forward and help even more people attract and raise their vibration by finding the techniques and strategies that they require. My ultimate goal is to inspire and empower individuals to manifest their desired outcomes, and I am committed to helping people achieve their full potential

Training Programs

Unlock your full potential with my coaching on the law of attraction

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Clients Testimonials

Raagesh has truly changed my life. His coaching on the law of attraction has helped me manifest abundance in all areas of my life. I am forever grateful for his guidance and support.

Sarah D.

Raagesh is an amazing coach. His knowledge and experience in the law of attraction are truly inspiring. I have learned so much from him and have already seen incredible results in my life.

Irfan Ahmed

Raagesh is a fantastic law of attraction coach. His techniques and strategies are easy to follow and have had a profound impact on my life. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to transform their life.

John S.

Raagesh's expertise in the law of attraction is unmatched. His guidance has helped me manifest my dream job and financial abundance. I recommend him to anyone looking to transform their life.


    The Sales Mastery program showed me a whole new way of approaching sales. The NLP and law of attraction techniques were truly eye-opening, and I can see a huge difference in my sales performance since taking the program.

    Arjun. P

    Working with him has been life-changing. I was feeling stuck and unfulfilled in my career and personal life, but he helped me identify my values and goals and create a plan to achieve them. I feel more confident and empowered than ever before.

    Akhil M. V

    I never realized how much my negative self-talk was holding me back until I started working with my law of attraction coach. He helped me shift my mindset and focus on positive affirmations and visualizations. The results have been incredible

    Sukumari .Kumar

    My communication with my partner was really suffering, and I didn't know what to do. Our couples therapy sessions have been a game-changer. We've learned how to better understand each other's needs and communicate effectively. I can't recommend it enough.

    Jincy. Prem

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